Thursday, November 03, 2005

Discussion with the department manager

I spoke with Traci (my department manager) today and discussed my concerns regarding the position I was turned down for. She made it very clear that experience and qualifications were not factored into this hiring decision because in Philip's (the hiring manager) view, the qualifications were "equal" for all the applicants considered. Apparently Philip made the decision based on who he thought would be the best "fit" on his team (aka popularity contest). Traci also told me that I was considered for the position and could have been hired without a current interview because of a prior interview with Philip. She readily admitted that the hiring process for this position was not handled well and she will address that with Philip.

Did my TG status factor into me not getting this position? Very possibly so but I will never be able to prove it since others of "equal" qualifications were supposedly turned away for this position (apparently there two applicants with more seniority than me). Traci wants to work with me to help me get a job that is a better fit for me. She is willing to do individual career counseling with me. Considering she has 5-6 managers report to her and over 200 employees as indirect reports, I am pleased she is willing to do this. I think she understands my situation and wants to make up for this blunder.

I have decided for now to put this behind me because I don't want the job anymore, nor do I want to take it away from the person who got it. I could still go to HR, but my dissatifaction with this process has been noted and I see nothing else positive I could accomplish by pushing the issue further.


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